Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Domestic Violence Essay Research Paper Although domestic free essay sample

Domestic Violence Essay, Research Paper Although domestic force includes sibling maltreatment and senior maltreatment, and kid maltreatment thefocus of my essay is on partner maltreatment. Domestic force has many names ; household force, banging, married woman whipping, and domestic maltreatment. All these footings refer to the same thing, maltreatment by amarital, common jurisprudence, or a dating spouse in an confidant relationship. Domestic force is notlimited to physical whippings. It is any behavior that is intended to repress and command anotherhuman being through the usage of humiliation, fright, and physical or verbal assaults. Domesticviolence is really of import issue in today # 8217 ; s society because it has such a profound negative affecton the abused, mentally and physically, and more demands to be done to assist the abused andprevent it from go oning farther. Even though Domestic force can be caused by either themale or the female it is normally caused by the male due to their controlling nature and physica ladvantage. History and CausesSince the morning of clip physical force has been used to maintain subsidiary groups in their topographic point bydominant people in society. Work forces have ever been physically larger than adult females and since most societies are male dominated, excessively no surprise the adult female has about ever been the mostcommon victim. In Roman times, a adult male was allowed to disassociate, castigate, or even kill his wifefor criminal conversation, go toing public games, or public inebriation. All of which the hubby wasallowed to freely partake in. During the in-between ages it was mans right to crush his married woman or kill herfor so much as giving her hubby a soiled expression. The first recorded advocators against domesticviolence were two writer by names of Christian Pizan and Mary Wollstonecraft. Even thoughthe issue was being publicized, no action was of all time taken until the 1840 # 8217 ; s when the Americanwomen # 8217 ; s motion brought up the issue w hile contending for the right to vote. No province in the U.Sactually passed a jurisprudence doing married woman crushing illegal until 1883. Although Torahs were passed tomake it illegal, none were purely enforced. Even up until the 1970 # 8217 ; s, married woman whipping was still fairlyacceptable. The constabulary most frequently would go to calls of domestic force but would leavethings to be resolved by the household. This easiness and deficiency of enforcement allowed for thecontinuation of the maltreatment. The 70 # 8217 ; s became a period of protest and alteration for the adult females # 8217 ; srights motion. By the 1980 # 8217 ; s major alterations started to take topographic point. Police no longer ignoredcalls of domestic force and more people were being convicted and punished for offenses ofdomestic force. The credence of domestic force is still seen today. It # 8217 ; s credence isreflected in popular civilization through the look # 8220 ; regulation of pollex # 8221 ; which comes from and oldEnglish regulation that a adult male could crush his married woman with any sensible instrument every bit long as it was nothicker that his pollex. Even in today # 8217 ; s society domestic force is still really common and moreneeds to be done to halt it.Finding the grounds or causes of domestic force is a really hard. There is neer one reasonfor domestic force but it normally begins with a controlling nature and the demand the demand tocontrol one # 8217 ; s partner. It begins with verbal abuses and debasement so over clip escalates intophysical force. The maltreater has normally been involved in domestic force instance # 8217 ; s before.More than probably during child goon. There is normally many different stressors and factors thatcause these built-in or erudite maltreaters to get down the maltreatment ; unemployment, drugs and intoxicant, different spiritual back rounds, low income degrees, and lower instruction degrees and simplydifferent poin ts of view.. None of these factors are non meant to be alibis, they are simplyfactors that come up in domestic force instances clip and clip again.Types of Abuse/Psychology of domestic violenceWhen domestic force occurs there is several different types of maltreatment that take topographic point. The firstis physical force. Physical force includes slapping, kicking, combustion, pluging, choking, locking a individual out of the place, restraining, and other Acts of the Apostless designed to wound, endanger, orcause physical hurting. The 2nd type is emotional maltreatment which consists of systematically making orsaying things to dishonor, abuse, ridicule, embarrass, demean, belittle, or mentally wounded anotherperson. The 3rd type is sexual maltreatment. Sexual maltreatment is when person is forced to hold sex whenhe/she does non desire to. Coercing person to prosecute in sexual Acts of the Apostless that he/she does non wish orfinds unpleasant, awful, or violent. Because some one is married to or has been seeing theirpartner for a long clip does non necessitate that their must hold sexual intercourse with them. Noone type of maltreatment is worse than another and they all have really emotionally damaging effectsWhen it comes to domestic force the most confusing inquiry is why? Most people intoday # 8217 ; s society agree that domestic force is incorrect and think that it should be stopped. Weknow that it is unsafe and emotionally destructive for kids to turn up in a violent home.We know that it is really emotionally destructive to the abused. Most societies have condemned it, we praise the attempts to assist the abused and halt the force but we still wonder why it does notgo away. The first reason is the cycle of violence which can be very hard to break. First tensionbuilds due to stress. The abuser becomes critical, edgy and irritable. The abuser graduallybecomes more abusive and more severe incidents of abuse start to occur. Both parties can sensethe loss of control which only fuels the tension. With the second stage of the cycle comes theviolent outbursts with acute battering. The abuser will fly off into a rage for no apparent reasonand there is total loss of control. The third stage comes after the violence has stopped. Theabuser becomes remorseful and apologetic. They often beg for forgiveness and swear it willnever happen again. They go out of their way to be kind and loving and they swear that they willchange. This phase explains why the abused comes back and lets the abuse cycle begin again.The abused wants to believe the abuser and wants to try and make things work. They are oftenreluctant to leave the abusive relationship because of a feeling of dependancy. The secondreason why this problem does not go away is the abused person’s dependancy on their partnerand their â€Å"learned helplessness†. Learned helplessness is a psychological term first identified bypsychologist Martin Seligman. People who are abused tend to tend to think that there is no wayout because they are so dependant on their partner. They continue to put up with the abuse andlearn ways of dealing to cope with it. The third reason why this problem does not go away isbecause of the history of domestic violence. It has been acted out for thousands of years so thereis still that acceptance and view that it is not a major problem.So what makes an abuser ? Abusers usually share common traits, back round factors, andbehaviour patterns. It has been completely agreed upon that the goal of the abuser is power andcontrol over their partner. These same people usually depend on their partner for emotionalsupport since they are lacking in emotio nal skills. The abuser also tend to conform the stereotypical view of the man and the women. The man goes out and makes the money to support thefamily while women stays home to cook, clean, and look after the kids. These people often havetrouble accepting responsibility for their behaviour abusive and otherwise. They usually feelguilt or shame for their actions but they try to justify or deny their behaviour. It has been foundthat many abusers share the same personality disorders such as lack of empathy, depression,general hostility, and feeling of victimization. They tend to lack social skills and they envelopethemselves with their work and their family. They tend to interpret innocent situations thatarouse their jealousy as having been done with hostile intent. Those who abuse adult partnersoften grew up in homes marred by violence between adults, against children, or both. However,it is important to remember that growing up in a violent home does not guarantee that a personwill b ecome abusive. I think that it is very important to understand and recognize people withabusive personalities so that they can be stopped and treated for what some would call a disease.PreventionMany psychologists believe that teaching our children that violence is inappropriate andteaching them better methods of problem solving, is the first step in ending domestic violence.One of the key components to making the teaching of our children work is leading by exampleby example and setting a positive example. Educating society as a whole also a very importantkey to ending domestic violence. Educating society as a whole is accomplished through changesin public policy and practices. Much tougher laws are needed since most abusers are given a slapon the wrist, it gives them and other people like them, the message that domestic violence is nota major crime and they can get away with it. When communities establish mandatory arrest andprosecution policies, a message is sent from the police a nd the courts that domestic violence is acrime that society will not tolerate. When they join with counseling programs for abusers, themessage will also be that those who want to change will be given a chance.It has been agreed upon by all those trying to end domestic violence that not only the individualabusers, but society itself needs help. Domestic violence is still subtly allowed, even encouragedsome say, by various groups. Our media and entertainment industry still glamorizes and tonesdown the seriousness of domestic violence. There are still police that ignore and trivializedomestic violence. And judges that give weak punishment or simply let the abusers off are allproblems that are plaguing our society and making it more difficult to end domestic violence. Ithink that we are on the right track to ending domestic violence but our effort is just not strongenough. Our message that domestic violence is a crime is not strong enough either. What arethese abusive people supposed to think when they are arrested, given a slap on the wrist, andthen released the next day. My research has opened my eyes and made me aware of what isgoing on and what needs to be done. In the future I will do what is in my power to help get themessage across and prevent it if possible.

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